Digital Marketing Strategist, AXIM Fringe Solutions Group, Rockville, MD. 02/2014 - 03/2020
● Led projects to redesign web pages, diversify strategies, and revitalize social media presence. Measured and evaluated online trends, discussions, and innovations to optimize strategies. Analyzed website data such as traffic, interactions, and conversions to find areas for improvement. Identified technology to support the company’s digital strategies.
● Maintained in-depth understanding of government contracting practices and trends to best promote products. Collected government contractor data using various research methods to refine results and optimize marketing strategies.
● Strengthened brand communication with in-depth analyses of competitors, market conditions, and target audiences. Identified appropriate marketing channels and demographics for campaigns. Created customized marketing materials to increase product awareness.
Social Media Specialist, self-employed, Germantown, MD. 02/2011 - 02/2014
● Strategized social media campaigns for clients, helping to meet goals and reach untapped potential customers. Designed and implemented social media strategies using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Quora, and other online engagement platforms. Managed web communities and helped small businesses, startups, and non-profits develop web presence. Analyzed social media and marketing campaign results.
● Tracked ROI and engagement using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Buffer, bit.ly, and other social media management tools.
● Doubled a global online photo editor’s Facebook audience to 8 million fans and quadrupled their Twitter followers to 180k+ in 14 months.
Founder/Coordinator, San Jose Social Media, Silicon Valley, CA. 02/2011 – 02/2013
● Established a free, ongoing class to teach social media techniques to new entrepreneurs, nonprofits, job seekers, and others.
● Grew the group from four members to over 300, with commensurate growth in attendance.
● Nurtured successors so the group would continue after my move to the East Coast.
Military Service - Fire Control Technician, United States Navy, Norfolk, VA. 08/1997 - 12/2003
● Served aboard USS Stump DD-978 under the Harry S. Truman battle group.
● Maintained advanced computer systems of multiple weapon systems aboard US Naval vessels.
● Received honorable discharge in December 2003.
● Awarded Navy Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Enlisted Surface Warfare Pin, and National Defense Medal.
Towson University, Towson, MD. ● Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP) Certification Course, 2022.
Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg, PA. ● Associate of Science, Web Development; Associate of Science, International Studies, 2007.
Community Leadership
Member, Board of Advisors, Campbell Veterans Memorial Foundation, 2011-2012.
Business Mentor, Institute for Veterans and Military Families, 2012-2014.